Fairfield Inn Bellevue

Traditional hotel room pictures from when Oluf goes to a conference

De traditionelle hotelværelsesbilleder fra når Oluf tager på konference

Oluf's hotel room, Fairfield Inn, Bellevue, Washington

View from Oluf's hotel room, Bellevue, Washington

View from Oluf's hotel room, Bellevue, Washington

Oluf's hotel room, Fairfield Inn, Bellevue, Washington

Oluf's hotel room, Fairfield Inn, Bellevue, Washington

Oluf's hotel room, Fairfield Inn, Bellevue, Washington; Arctic Fox Webkinz

Oluf's hotel room, Fairfield Inn, Bellevue, Washington; Arctic Fox Webkinz

Oluf's hotel room, Fairfield Inn, Bellevue, Washington; Arctic Fox Webkinz

Oluf's hotel room, Fairfield Inn, Bellevue, Washington

Oluf's hotel room, Fairfield Inn, Bellevue, Washington

Oluf's hotel room, Fairfield Inn, Bellevue, Washington; Arctic Fox Webkinz

Oluf's hotel room, Fairfield Inn, Bellevue, Washington; Arctic Fox Webkinz

Made with JAlbum 7.1
Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)